11-digits of unrequited tension

I'd only see this member a handful of times, sometimes we'd see each other on the gym floor, always polite, kept to the surface of exchanges.  

However, one evening he chose to extend himself. Trace the outlines of new grounds. Beyond a tea to go.  He was dipping into water, not knowing the depths a lack of understanding can go.

He let me know he'd just got back from a massage. Thai massage. Shared how painful they actually are. As he'd touch the areas of his neck, where the pain was.

What a coincidence, I had been looking for a good place to go.

"Amazing, can you share the place you went to, I've been looking for a trustworthy one"  

" Yes" ...

"We can go together"

The seconds after lasted long enough for my brain to split into two frames. No way was I going to go with the line " Sorry, I have a boyfriend" I couldn't pretend.

But I was tempted. I'd tried it before and no one was convinced. Not even me.

Each word fumbled and tripped over my confused tongue.  

"umm, I don't think so, no... there is no need for that."  

"it would be great, we could talk about the beautiful places in your country"

He was referring to the hikes he had taken around my home country. That was nice of him to show me the pictures. But that was just it. It was not an invitation for a date.  

" really, thankyou, but that's okay–

if you just give me the number, I wanted to take my mum."

I ripped off some receipt paper and gave him a pen to write it down. Turned my back, made the tea to go.

He'd folded the paper and I slipped it into my apron.  

"Thank you. Enjoy your gym session," I said.

"I will do, thank you, team member "

That was my name badge more often.  


After I got home, I had forgotten all about the folded paper, the one I slipped into my apron.

I pulled it out,

opened it and read:

"Arron: xxxxxxxxxxx, call me team member"


         I scrunched it back up and threw it in the bin.

"What a pain in the neck."