all at once

all at once
6/6/22: all at once 

She'd search for him in every being,
without a question or sound reason
she would search for his being,
you know, that familiar feeling.

Her search stretched until it could go no more, she'd found her feeling.
you know, the one she'd equal to safe and pure.
but what happens when the sequel leaves her with scars and bruises?

how dare she search for that feeling,
it is familiar she'd argue.

you don't see him the way I do.
"It is more than lust, he loves me"
trust me,
give it time, you'll see.

she'd searched for that familiar feeling her whole life, too hard done to take a leap out of her strife.
the pain of leaving weighed more.
ignoring the signs, in search of that familiar feeling.

her greatest need for security became her living hell.

she'd tell you otherwise,
"you don't see him as I do,
give it time, you'll see"

in the way, her mind had built him up,
he's a good man, sure it gets a little rough
doesn't seem to know his limits when he's being mean & tough.

— "do you love him?"

No one's ever asked me...
"he loves me, that much I know.
I'll give it some time, maybe our love could grow?"
if I just learn to be better,
I can let him sink in
without the need to drag a scar out of it
then I think I can love him the way he loves me.

with that familiar feeling
she'd sing on,
I know he loves me, give it time
you'll see.