Almost Ready Inverted

Almost Ready Inverted
'Treasure every encounter as it will never recur'

With the arrival of  Autumn came the cold remainder, the cathartic hint that shedding is only a mirror for natures sweet medicine.

A mirror of growing pains laced in silver linings.

Almost ready whipped in a thick haze of fog.

Constellation of thoughts to mark the transition:

Courage means to follow the heart. Wolves never say, oh no, not again. They pounce, bond, run, dive, scramble, play dead, go for throat to gather entropy.

During hard times find the stamina, libido to act from the heart.

Any negative aspect of the psyche can be reduced to cinders by being watched, hold it in consistent consciousness, and it leads to the thing being dehydrated. Reduced to nothing when you consciously deprive the psyche thing of juice, it shrivels - energy released to configure.

Focus on what is useful/useless.

Avoid right/wrong thinking.

Learn to learn the rhythms of life/death/life cycles instead of being martyred by it.

Forgiveness can heal the heart, quite literally.

Dance, create, destroy.   Meditate - engineer -repeat.

Nature doesn't ask for permission, so why do you?

Life is a game. Pick your pieces and skip waning on the sidelines.

To study the Self is to forget the self.

I see nobody on the road, only see real people by the light.

It is a poor memory to only look backwards. Know that lessons are called lessons because they lessen from day-to-day.

Love truth, Excuse error, did it make you feel better?

Actions are the only behaviour that create any fossil record of our existence.

Change the questions you ask. Question the answers you give.

Your world is the product of your thinking.

People are longitudinal studies, so why beg for a cross-sectional fix?

Train your eye to look through the lens that frees the mind.