Become wide open and fluid more often

You know that feeling when your body melts under a lover’s caresses? Or when you lie down in the sun and feel like the warmth wraps around your skin? Let’s enter this receptive state of surrender more often.

In every single moment, we’re being offered something: light, sound, rain, touch, flavours, energy.

What a shame that we only let ourselves become so soft and open in those extraordinary moments. I tried doing yoga today, but my body was so tired and sore. I just wanted to sit still in meditation. I left the music on and sank down onto my cushion. Within a few minutes, I was sure the music was being played live, right next to me. This was the first time in days that I could completely let go and melt into myself. My mind became quiet, finally, and my body less tense.

There was nothing in between me and the sounds. Nothing between the sounds and the rest of reality: everything was singing to me. And I realized it should always be like this. That on one level of reality, it is always like this.

Of course, we cannot go through life melting, with our eyes closed and our spines curling around invisible traces of serenades and smells. But let’s take more little moments of complete and utter surrender. Whenever we can and wish to, let’s bow down until our forehead rests upon the earth. Fold our hands together in a gesture of gratitude.

If it feels good, let’s sigh in relief.

There is so much to receive in every moment. And still, we find it so hard to just lift our palms and become motionless under it all. Even if what’s being offered is heavy and painful.

Let’s try, even for one minute, to trust that it is meant to be this way. That we can carry it, and if we can’t, that we can open and let it pass through.

I understand: sometimes this seems impossible. Let it just be an excuse to surrender.

Become wide open and fluid more often.