effortless perfection - obviously, an oxymoron

effortless perfection -   
       obviously, an oxymoron

There is magic in willing to be a different person in every single moment… Buddhism teaches we don’t have a self.

I struggled with that idea for a while; it felt nihilistic and a bit scary. But it doesn’t mean we’re nothing. It just serves to remind us ‘we’ are made up of a million things that are not ‘us’.

It encourages us to continuously question the story we weave around ourselves. To respond openly to whatever crosses our paths, to be fluid. And if the thought of becoming whatever surrounds you evokes resistance in you, it’s just because you’re all caught up in that human ego-dance… We all do the dance.

Our identity projects run through our lives like neon threads.

We think they keep us on track but really, they can so easily mesmerize us & blur out the rest. When considering how to respond in Life situations, it’s freeing to turn your back on that constructed ‘I’ that’s trying to be CEO of your human journey all the time.

Wonder: What is being asked? What is needed? Who can be helped? What can be admired?

Become a blank canvas that’s painted differently in every moment.

The reality is that things are guiding & shaping you anyway.

It’s something to facilitate, not something to fight.