on feedback

on feedback
feedback on my writing 

A worthwhile story is like therapy. It is supposed to raise questions, stir something in you, make you feel something.

If not, it's too sterile, played safe. Comfortable.

We all know you don't go to therapy to half tell how you feel, you go all the way.

sure some things are uncomfortable to uncover, but I think the biggest irony of it all is that we are all human. on a level of reality, we all feel the same emotions yet play a good game of hide. And seek to identify our experiences through stories in one form or another.

You do an injustice, half telling a story.

Remember, if a story offends you, it was never meant for you. that's fine. But more often, a story that comes from a place of truth, is needed by someone.

In other words,

if it can stir one mind,

that's enough.

Last week I attended a concert on the one day TFL chose to strike. It became more than a concert. An experience that expanded to a check-in with self?

I thought my day of gulliver's travels would end peacefully but there was a final recall I clearly needed to hear.

"Free your mind", "you've got to free your mind"– the man at the front of the bus continued to repeat it until I'd absorbed it as a mantra. it was 3 am, my mind was primed and 'free'.

even though he was drunk, slight blur in his delivery, the content was crystal.

with my sober brain primed and open, I thought back to the stories Dave shared on stage.

Something I also needed reminding of is to

Ignore your bad fears. Chase your good fears, try out the new thing, write the story that scares you, make the uncertain choice, write the line that isn't comfortable.

Someone will feel it

And they will thank you for it.