the fine line to walk on

the fine line to walk on
By francis alÿs 


Pulled by imagination and led by Science.

The line got finer during science class, here an 8-year-olds brain was up to the cortex in questions.

it was hard to believe her bubble was being burst, right before her eyes,

but it was.

Where could she draw the line?

Did she need to?

Would she?

"Today class we'll be looking at the life of a water cycle"

"Miss, what is this?"

"it's the water cycle, of course, now fill in the worksheet as we go along dear"

After 30 seconds of taking the bait.

The voice in her head whispered,

O m G;

this must be wrong.

why are the clouds disappearing?  precipitating? evaporating?

This is all wrong, she muttered.

in her little mind, the clouds had a specific job,

a job she'd assigned from the age of 5.

Why did the others not look as distraught as her?

They were too busy taking the bait, memorizing the cycle as it was fed. No walking, no tension to be seen.


But to her it was clear,

the clouds were a place we all go to sit on when we complete our human life. That is how we say see you later, not goodbye.

"How can that happen if they're constantly DiSaPPEaRiNg?!"

Even though she felt strongly about the role of the clouds she kept her imagination to herself.

no one else shared the same emotion. not even the teacher.

This conflict she found goes on, even into adulthood.

C'mon, who would look twice at a cloud if it weren't for imagination?

Being led by science and pulled by imagination is a fine line we all walk on. Instead of existing in a tug of war, they can coexist on the same line, with different weights assigned.  

As the trail goes:

Walk the line,

Take the bait.

Walk the line


Choose Wisely.