The meaning

After the 25th poor attempt at wrapping cutlery, I turned to more pressing matters. What does this all mean? is there any meaning to it all? Questions I'd consider only on my evening shifts. it was quiet then, I had space to think.

it's you, a partially empty bar and a bucket full of cutlery to wrap. What does it all mean? Is there any meaning to it all?

I'd turn, put down the cutlery and ask a member that came to the bar,

"Can I ask you a question?"


"What is the meaning of life?"

He pointed to the grey bucket behind me–

"It is certainly not spending your evenings doing cutlery, that's for sure."


"But to you, what is the meaning?"

"Do you really wanna know?"


He smirked, tilted his head back as if he was about to hand me gold...                            

" You better ask my ex,

she'll tell you exactly what the meaning of life is."