Things to remember about Love

Being in love with another human being is a hypnotizing experience. What a blessing to be able to hold someone and feel like the sun and sky are in your hands.

But romantic love is just one expression of that vast, omnipresent undercurrent of Love.

The love for your family, friends, art, nature, for yourself... all come from that same source. It is always available, unconditionally. So don’t burden your lover with the pressure to be your only chance at Love.

The pressure to prove their love with every gesture, word, desire. They were simply chosen as a vessel. Just like you. How sad that Love searched for a long time to find two(+) beings that stir each other so deeply. And that these beings are happily mesmerized by Love’s movements for a while, just until their egos get scared and take the stage.

If you remember Love is everywhere, always, you can stop looking for it in other beings as if it’s your only chance to experience its magic. There’s enough.

There will always be enough. Then, if you get to express Love together with someone else, your number one relationship goal should be to keep reminding each other to get out of Love’s way.

So that she can do her dance with you. Being in love becomes doing your inner work together.

Being in love becomes accepting one of the biggest human challenges of all: navigating between Love and love, between It and you, oneness and ego.

Accept this challenge with lightness, curiosity, trust and gratitude.

Let’s play this divine game together.