wear your insides out

wear your insides out

Beauty can hook your attention, but you know what's more interesting?


Real human flaws.

We all have them, yet somewhere along the line, we started leading with the right foot only?

forgetting we had a left foot.

To tango requires both legs. Otherwise, we hop around a facade, a circus if you will.

I heard a great analogy that reflected this point I'm chewing on...

Consider each human as a car.  Of course, the outside is what draws you to it, but where do you spend most of your time with the car?


The interior is the driving force for a connection to the car. The outside is a beautiful show. Yet the details inside are what matter. You study the intricacies of the car, learn the features, when to stop and how to go. What makes it unique. Special, a good fit.

I love a good exterior, I won't pretend.

But on every occasion, my interest peaks at the interior of a person - the full view.

Not a reel.

But a real human ~ flaws and all.