you run fast; I saw you

I'd ran out of my go-to dark chocolate drops. My suppliers are real food source, and I gladly give them all my coins,

but since next day delivery was far too long away.

To the corner shop it was.

I stepped in, walked around, eyed the narrow corners as if I didn't already know where everything was placed. I took a long time to decide. I was indecisive.

the shopkeeper interrupted me and said:

"I saw you."

"excuse me, what?" I replied.

"I saw you. You run really fast,"  he said whilst reenacting my run. arms swinging and everything.

"When did you see me?"  I said, my eyes slighting squinted, hesitant.

"yesterday morning, you ran past the shop."  

looks up to remember, ahh yes. that was me.

I said, "sometimes I pretend and imagine dinosaurs are chasing me or that I am racing them. It helps."

He laughed, I laughed.

It's a bit different, but it works.

I added, maybe it's a trick Usain Bolt uses?  Who knows.

By that point, I had forgotten what I came in for. Oh my chocolate, I asked if he had any dark chocolate drops?  

"no, we don't have that. I'm sorry."

I opted for a crunchie instead. Sugar-free could wait. I liked the texture.

He said, with his eyes,

does chocolate help?

I smiled,

thanked him for the compliment and chocolate.

Have a good day, Sir.